PFISTERER’s employees and management take their social responsibility into account in several respects: on the one hand, they are among the enablers of the energy transition that is required worldwide, and on the other hand, they also play an active role in the Green Deal in their own direct working environment by shaping our behaviour and working methods.
We have formulated and communicated ambitious goals and are overwhelmed by the positive response and the willingness to participate on the part of our workforce. Specifically, we pursue sustainability goals in context.
Connecting power for the future.
PFISTERER is represented in every field where a high electrical output needs to be transmitted safely for a number of decades without any losses: Energy producers, network operators, and energy suppliers all rely on our services, as do railway operators and industrial experts. With our range of end-to-end products and services, we offer you custom-fit solutions for a wide range of applications from a single source. All over the world.
Products via WestimQPower
WestimQpower delivers Pfisterer’s earthing equipment and voltage detectors.
Acting responsibly: Commitment to greater sustainability
With an European Green Deal, the EU Commission has called for a comprehensive programme that is intended to make the EU climate-neutral by 2050. By focusing on contacting and insulation solutions for the generation, transport and distribution of electrical energy, PFISTERER is contributing economically and technically suitable solutions to the implementation of the energy turnaround – and thus one of the main pillars of the Green Deal. At the same time, PFISTERER strives for sustainability in its own actions.
- of the environment, a reduction of the specific CO₂ footprint (Scope 1 + 2) by ⅔ to ⅓ of the 2020 value by 2030. We plan to reduce our specific water consumption by more than ⅔ and that of specific waste by ⅓ by 2025.
- of social aspects, a reduction in our lost time due to lost work (LTIR) by 10% annually and by more than ⅔ by 2025. In addition, we are striving to increase the proportion of female team members in the PFISTERER Group and to increase our further training measures.
- of governance, the early identification of any corporate risks through the continued professionalization of our risk management and internal auditing process. We train our strict code of conduct using modern digital systems and oblige our suppliers to comply with the PFISTERER Code of Conduct.