Your innovative system partner for the electrification of light and heavy rail.
Kummler+Matter is an independent product house, Kummler+Matter develops advanced and customised products and positions them on the market worldwide. If at least 60 % of all manufacturing costs are incurred in Switzerland, Kummler+Matter awards its own productions with the Swiss Made label. At the same time, Kummler+Matter is in the process of building up a comprehensive Swiss Made range in order to bring qualitatively durable core products to the market.
Products via WestimQPower
WestimQpower delivers
Eensuring responsibility and sustainability in business activities
Alongside the systematic growth of our sales and result, we accord special priority to ensuring responsibility and sustainability in our business activities. We put these con-cepts – responsibility and sustainability – into practice in our daily work by doing all we possibly can to leave behind a world where life is worthwhile for our children and their children.
Workplace safety is a very important concern of ours. To ensure that our employees benefit from workplace safety, we meet the requirements for the ISO 45001 certification. We invest heavily in basic training and continuing education for our employees and thus play an active part in reducing the shortage of skilled specialists in our industry. We provide cutting-edge ergonomic infrastructure to support our employees’ well-being.
Operations and our environment
Year after year, we invest in machinery and vehicles that are more efficient and more environment friendly to keep our facility in line with the latest developments. We view sustainable development and production as key issues, prompting us to integrate obligations and basic principles into the implementation of all our processes – our approach to resources is just one example. For the benefit of our environment, we have taken steps to obtain certification of the environmental management system in compliance with ISO 14001.
Customers and suppliers
We take pride in the quality of our services, and we also intend to guarantee this standard in the future. This is why our processes are certified to ISO 9001 and why we practice a Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) to ensure that they meet the very latest requirements. We are committed to compliance with ethical and legal principles in our working relationships with suppliers and customers, and we act in accordance with the rules of our Corporate Social Responsibility policy. Our partners can therefore rest assured that we distance ourselves clearly from price fixing, corruption and similar practices.