Worldwide supplier of disconnectors.
Hapam is a well-known manufacturer of disconnectors and earthing switches with an excellent performance and world-wide reputation. The continuous improvement of material and technology have resulted in disconnectors and earthing switches of the highest quality.
Products via WestimQPower
The disconnectors and earthing switches are designed and tested in accordance with latest IEC specifications.
Quality control, safety & Environment
Since 1995 Hapam has maintained a Quality Control System in accordance with ISO 9001, certified by DEKRA, The Netherlands. Our equipment has been designed and tested in accordance with the latest international standards. Type test certificates are available for our equipment from internationally recognized testing laboratories.
Since March 2016 Hapam possesses a fully integrated ISO 14001 environmental management system, certified by DEKRA. Through the implementation of our environmental management system, we can always meet the requirements of law and regulations and we offer our employees a basis for environmentally friendly production of our products. We also recognize the system in all of our environmental aspects, some important aspects are: energy, controlled waste and renewable energy generation.
By installing 1870 solar panels Hapam generates annually up to 80% of its electricity consumption from renewable sources.