KUMMLER+MATTER pioneers the development and construction of electric contact lines for railways, trams and trolleybuses. With their one-stop shop solutions they cover the complete value-added chain of contact line technology ranging from project studies and techno-scientific system developments to the installation and the maintenance of complete systems.
KUMMLER+MATTER fits perfectly to WestimQpower Oy’s productportfolio and strengthens our presence in catenary applications.
WestimQpower Oy has signed an agreement with Sadtem Transfermateus Electrique de Mesure to represent their MV-instrument transformers on the Finnish market.
SADTEM is the leader on the French market for medium voltage instrument transformers with a comprehensive range of indoor and outdoor Instrument Transformers up to 52kV and 20,000A.
The range also includes CT + VT combine units for outdoor application.
The products can be designed to meet any requirements or specifications and comply with most recognized standards, such as IEC, ANSI, CSA, UTE, AS…
https://westimqpower.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/WQP_logo_transp_340x156_onwhite.png00Cecilia Westerholmhttps://westimqpower.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/WQP_logo_transp_340x156_onwhite.pngCecilia Westerholm2018-04-11 09:37:192020-10-13 12:48:42New partner for medium voltage products
Rekisteröidy jo ennakkoon veloituksetta messuvieraaksi, varmistat nopean sisäänpääsyn. Muistathan tulostaa rintakortin ja ottaa sen mukaasi tullessasi messuille
https://westimqpower.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/WQP_logo_transp_340x156_onwhite.png00Cecilia Westerholmhttps://westimqpower.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/WQP_logo_transp_340x156_onwhite.pngCecilia Westerholm2018-01-10 05:50:292020-10-13 12:48:53WestimQpower osallistuu Rata 2018 seminaariin Turun Logomossa 23-24.1.2018